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MicroProfile Health 4.0

Health checks are used to probe the state of a computing node from another machine (i.e. kubernetes service controller) with the primary target being cloud infrastructure environments where automated processes maintain the state of computing nodes.

Health checks are used to determine if a computing node needs to be discarded (terminated, shutdown) and eventually replaced by another (healthy) instance, allowed to process requests, or whether it is considered started.

Functional changes

  • Health 4.0.
    • Alignment with Jakarta EE 9.1

Maven coordinates












Plan Review

The Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on 2023-04-20 with the following results.

Representative Representative for: Vote
Summers Pittman, Vincent Mayers Atlanta JUG +1
Kevin Sutter, Emily Jiang IBM +1
Ruslan Synytsky, Tetiana Fydorenchyk Jelastic +1
John Clingan, Roberto Cortez Red Hat +1
David Blevins, Amelia Eiras Tomitribe +1
Chandra Guntur, Michael Redlich Garden State Java User Group +1
Ed Bratt, Dmitry Kornilov Oracle +1
Rudy De Busscher Payara +1
Jan Westerkamp iJUG +1
Kenji Kazumura, Takahiro Nagao Fujitsu +1
Edwin Derks Committer Member +1
Total 11
Non-binding votes Role Vote
Total 0

Release Review

The Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on 2023-10-09 with the following results.

Representative Representative for: Vote
Vincent Mayers Atlanta JUG +1
Emily Jiang, Nathan Rauh IBM +1
John Clingan, Roberto Cortez Red Hat -1
David Blevins, Amelia Eiras Tomitribe +1
Chandra Guntur, Michael Redlich Garden State Java User Group +1
Ed Bratt, Dmitry Kornilov Oracle +1
Jan Westerkamp, Heiko Rupp iJUG +1
Kenji Kazumura, Takahiro Nagao Fujitsu +1
Reza Rahman, Ed Burns Microsoft +1
Mingyue Huang Primeton +1
Alfonso Altamirano, Luis Neto Payara +1
Feng Wang Asiainfo Anhui +1
Total 11
Non-binding votes Role Vote
Emerson Castaneda Community +1
Total 1

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