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MicroProfile JWT 2.1

MP JWT 2.1 specification outlines how signed JSON Web Token (JWT) tokens issued by OpenId Connect (OIDC), OAuth2 and other trusted providers can be verified and their claims used for Role Based Access Control (RBAC) of microservice endpoints. It also supports inner-signed and encrypted JWT tokens.

The Spec team meets on Thursdays every other day. The joining details can be found in the MicroProfile calendar.

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Functional changes

  • Support for RSA-OAEP-256 key management algorithm for decrypting JWT tokens has been added
  • ‘mp.jwt.decrypt.key.algorithm’ property for listing multiple JWT decryption algorithms has been added, requiring that both ‘RSA-OAEP’ and ‘RSA-OAEP-256’ must be accepted if ‘mp.jwt.decryption.algorithm’ is not set
  • ‘mp.jwt.verify.token.age’ property for restricting a token age has been introduced
  • ‘mp.jwt.verify.clock.skew’ property for configuring a leeway for the token expiry and age verification has been introduced

Maven coordinates






Compatible Implementations

Payara Services Ltd

Java version
Payara Server Enterprise 6.12.0
Java 11
Payara Server Community 6.2024.3
Java 11
Payara Server Community (Web Profile) 6.2024.3
Java 11
Payara Server Enterprise (Web Profile) 6.12.0
Java 11


Java version
IBM WebSphere Liberty
Java 11, Java 17

Open Liberty

Java version
Open Liberty
Java 11, Java 17
Open Liberty
Java 11, Java 17


Plan Review

The Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on 2023-04-20 with the following results.

Representative Representative for: Vote
Summers Pittman, Vincent Mayers Atlanta JUG
Emily Jiang, Nathan Rauh IBM +1
John Clingan, Roberto Cortez Red Hat -1
David Blevins, Amelia Eiras Tomitribe +1
Chandra Guntur, Michael Redlich Garden State Java User Group +1
Ed Bratt, Dmitry Kornilov Oracle +1
Jan Westerkamp, Heiko Rupp iJUG
Kenji Kazumura, Takahiro Nagao Fujitsu +1
Reza Rahman, Ed Burns Microsoft +1
Mingyue Huang Primeton +1
Alfonso Altamirano, Luis Neto Payara +1
Total 8
Non-binding votes Role Vote
Jonathan Gallimore +1
Total 1

Release Review

The Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on 2023-10-09 with the following results.

Representative Representative for: Vote
Vincent Mayers Atlanta JUG +1
Emily Jiang, Nathan Rauh IBM +1
John Clingan, Roberto Cortez Red Hat -1
David Blevins, Amelia Eiras Tomitribe +1
Chandra Guntur, Michael Redlich Garden State Java User Group +1
Ed Bratt, Dmitry Kornilov Oracle +1
Jan Westerkamp, Heiko Rupp iJUG +1
Kenji Kazumura, Takahiro Nagao Fujitsu +1
Reza Rahman, Ed Burns Microsoft +1
Mingyue Huang Primeton +1
Alfonso Altamirano, Luis Neto Payara +1
Feng Wang Asiainfo Anhui +1
Total 11
Non-binding votes Role Vote
Emerson Castaneda Community +1
Total 1

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