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MicroProfile Rest Client 4.0

The MicroProfile REST Client is a type-safe approach to invoke RESTful requests over HTTP. As much as possible the MicroProfile REST Client attempts to use Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1 API’s for consistency.

Functional changes

In this release there was an alignment with Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1 to be compatible with Jakarta EE 10.

  • There was a clarification about closing the REST client when being injected via CDI (348).
  • The RestClientBuilder added a new method, baseUri(String) (334).
  • The RestClientBuilder also added a new header(String, Object) method for adding headers to the built REST Client. The headers will be merged with headers added via other means (283).

Maven Coordinates






Compatible Implementations

Open Liberty

Java version
Open Liberty
Java 11, Java 17
Open Liberty
Java 11, Java 17
Open Liberty -
Java 11, 17 and 21


Plan Review

The Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on19 Aug 2024  with the following results.

Organization Vote
Atlanta Java User Group (AJUG) +1
IBM +1
Red Hat +1
Tomitribe +1
Oracle +1
iJUG +1
Fujitsu +1
Microsoft +1
Primeton +1
Payara +1
Committer Representative (Emerson Castañeda) +1
Total 11
Community Vote
Total 0

Release Review

The Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on Thu, 28 Mar 2024 with the following results.

Corporate/Community Member Vote
Atlanta JUG
Community (Emerson Castaneda) +1
Fujitsu +1
IBM +1
Oracle +1
Payara +1
Primeton +1
Red Hat +1
Tomitribe +1
Binding total 8
Garden State JUG +1
Non-binding Votes 1
Binding + non-binding total 9

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