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End-to-End Example App Running MicroProfile on Kubernetes and Istio

There are many good examples that demonstrate specific MicroProfile functionality and there are also good examples that showcase Istio functionality, especially the BookInfo application. Since I couldn’t find a comprehensive application that utilizes MicroProfile and Istio, my colleague Harald Uebele and I have built one.

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Quarkus MicroProfile Cheat Sheet

This stackoverflow question on MicroProfile support in Quarkus pointed out the need for a one-pager cheat-sheet on Quarkus MicroProfile support. MicroProfile is a collection of specifications. SmallRye is a project that implements MicroProfile specifications. Generally speaking, there is a SmallRye GitHub repo in support of each specification. Quarkus implements MicroProfile specifications…

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How to Use MicroProfile and JDK Features to Scale Your Apps in the Cloud Managing a potentially unlimited number of autonomous, loosely coupled and frequently updated microservices on top of a flexible cloud infrastructure, creates new challenges for developers. This article outlines features of recent JDK and MicroProfile updates for reliably deploying and scaling cloud applications while continuously integrating network and service updates….

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