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Crafting the Official MicroProfile API Tutorial in Collaboration with the MicroProfile Working Group

By Documentation, Jakarta EE 10, MicroProfile 6.1, MicroProfile Community, MPWG, Releases, Tutorial No Comments

I am thrilled to share my latest endeavor: Developing the Official MicroProfile API Tutorial in collaboration with the MicroProfile Working Group. As the landscape of cloud-native development evolves, equipping developers with the knowledge and skills to navigate these changes is essential. Accordingly, I am working on this Official MicroProfile API…

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MicroProfile 6.0 lanserades och använder sig av Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile!

By Jakarta EE, Jakarta EE 10, MicroProfile 6.0, MicroProfile Community, Microservices No Comments
MicroProfile 6.0 lanserades och använder sig av Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile! MicroProfile, en öppen källkodscommunity som samarbetar med Java-mikrotjänster för företag, är glada att kunna annonsera lanseringen av  MicroProfile 6.0! MicroProfile 6.0 använder sig av Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile. Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile definierar en basprofil för...
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MicroProfile 6.0 Release- Russian

By Jakarta EE 10, MicroProfile 6.0, MicroProfile Community, Releases No Comments

Состоялся релиз MicroProfile 6.0, который поддерживает Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile! MicroProfile, сообщество с открытым исходным кодом, сотрудничающее в области корпоративных Java-микросервисов, с радостью объявляет о релизе MicroProfile 6.0!  MicroProfile 6.0 использует профиль Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile. Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile определяет базовый профиль для предоставления компонентов, используемых…

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MicroProfile 6.0 Release – German

By Jakarta EE 10, MicroProfile 6.0, MicroProfile Community, Releases No Comments

MicroProfile 6.0 wird veröffentlicht und übernimmt das Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile! MicroProfile, eine Open-Source-Community, die gemeinsam an Enterprise Java Microservices arbeitet, freut sich, die Veröffentlichung von MicroProfile 6.0 bekannt zu geben!  MicroProfile 6.0 übernimmt das Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile. Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile definiert ein Basisprofil, um…

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MicroProfile 6.0 Release – Japanese

By Jakarta EE 10, MicroProfile 6.0, MicroProfile Community, Releases No Comments

MicroProfile 6.0 リリースとJakarta EE 10 Core Profileへの対応 企業向けJavaマイクロサービスのコラボレーションの場であるオープンソースコミュニティMicroProfileは、 MicroProfile 6.0 をリリースします! MicroProfile 6.0はJakarta EE 10 Core Profileに対応します。 Jakarta EE 10 Core Profileは、依存のない単独のパッケージとして、MicroProfileで利用されるコンポーネントが含まれるベースとなるプロファイルです。本リリースでは、 MicroProfile OpenAPI と JWT Authentication はマイナーアップデートします。また、MicroProfile Metricsはメジャーアップデートし、いくつかの非互換が生じます。さらに、 MicroProfile Telemetryがこのリリースに追加され、MicroProfile OpenTracingを置き換えます。MicroProfile OpenTracingはMicroProfile 6.0には含まれず、スタンドアロンの仕様となります。 MicroProfile 6 互換製品として必須の仕様: MicroProfile Config 3.0 MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 4.0 MicroProfile Health 4.0 MicroProfile JWT Authentication 2.1 MicroProfile…

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¡Lanzamiento de MicroProfile 6.0 – Español

By Jakarta EE, Jakarta EE 10, MicroProfile 6.0, MicroProfile Community, Releases No Comments

Publicación original 10 de enero de 2023 aquí MicroProfile, una comunidad de código abierto que colabora en microservicios Java empresariales, se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de MicroProfile 6.0! MicroProfile 6.0 adopta Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile. Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile define un perfil base para entregar los componentes…

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Jakarta EE and MicroProfile at EclipseCon Community Day 2022

By Jakarta EE, Jakarta EE 10, Jakarta EE 9, MicroProfile 5.0, MicroProfile 6.0, MicroProfile Community No Comments

Community Day at EclipseCon 2022 was held in person on Monday, October 24 in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Community Day has always been a great event for Eclipse working groups and project teams, including Jakarta EE/MicroProfile. This year was no exception. A number of great sessions were delivered from prominent folks in…

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Lanzamiento de MicroProfile 5.0 con Dependencias Jakarta EE 9.1 Actualizadas

By Jakarta EE, MicroProfile 5.0, MicroProfile Community, Releases No Comments

Versión de lanzamiento publicada el 7 de diciembre de 2021 MicroProfile, una comunidad de código abierto que colabora en microservicios de Java empresariales, se place en anunciar el lanzamiento de MicroProfile 5.0. MicroProfile 5.0 permite utilizar las API de MicroProfile junto con Jakarta EE 9.1 (espacio de nombres de Jakarta…

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MicroProfile 5.0 Release with Updated Jakarta EE 9.1 Dependencies

By MicroProfile 5.0, MicroProfile Community, Releases No Comments

MicroProfile, an Open-Source Community that collaborates on enterprise Java microservices, would like to announce the release of MicroProfile 5.0. MicroProfile 5.0 enables MicroProfile APIs to be used together with Jakarta EE 9.1 (Jakarta EE namespace). This release was mainly focused on updating dependencies from javax to jakarta, as well as…

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Videotutoriales: Recorriendo MicroProfile en Español

By Documentation, Español, Example, MicroProfile Configuration, MicroProfile Fault Tolerance, MicroProfile Health Check, MicroProfile JWT Authentication, MicroProfile Metrics, MicroProfile Open Tracing API, MicroProfile Rest Client, Tutorial, Video Tutorial No Comments

Esta serie de videotutoriales ha sido preparada para que el desarrollador con conocimientos básicos de Java pueda adentrarse en la creación de microservicios con MicroProfile. Los vídeos han sido creados como capítulos independientes, por lo que pueden analizarse de forma individual y los ejercicios se ejecutan de principio a fin…

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MicroProfile, a knight or just another pawn [Part 2 of 2]

By Documentation, Jakarta EE 8, MicroProfile Configuration, MicroProfile Health Check, MicroProfile Metrics, MicroProfile Starter, Tutorial, WebSphere Liberty No Comments

Do you really need a sledgehammer to crack a nut? (Part 2) In the previous section (Microprofile, a knight or just another pawn [Part 1 of 2]), we implemented MicroProfile interoperable JWT RBAC. We also secured the resource with the help of the claim scope present in the JWT token…

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MicroProfile, a knight or just another pawn [Part 1 of 2]

By Jakarta EE 8, Keycloak, MicroProfile Community, MicroProfile Configuration, MicroProfile Health Check, MicroProfile JWT Authentication, MicroProfile Metrics, MicroProfile Open Tracing API, Tutorial, WebSphere Liberty No Comments

Do you really need a sledgehammer to crack a nut?   Seeing the number of aspects that need to be covered to achieve the end goal, this blog post is divided into 2 parts. This first part explains the need, possible solution, introduction to MicroProfile, project set-up and implementation of…

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Tutorial: A Deep Dive into MicroProfile 4.0 with Open Liberty

By Jakarta EE 8, MicroProfile Configuration, MicroProfile Fault Tolerance, MicroProfile Health Check, MicroProfile JWT Authentication, MicroProfile Metrics, MicroProfile Open Tracing API, MicroProfile Rest Client, Open Liberty No Comments

The latest release of MicroProfile 4.0 aligns with Jakarta EE 8. There are many new and exciting features introduced in MicroProfile 4.0. In this blog, we’ll take a look at all of the MicroProfile 4.0 updated features and then show you how to use them in Open Liberty. What’s New…

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MicroProfile 4.0 is Now Available

By Jakarta EE, MicroProfile Community, Process, Releases No Comments

MicroProfile, an Open-Source Community that collaborates on enterprise Java microservices, would like to announce the release of MicroProfile 4.0. MicroProfile 4.0 is the first version released by the recently-formed MicroProfile Working Group within the Eclipse Foundation. This important milestone demonstrates the commitment of the MicroProfile community and the Eclipse Foundation…

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Announcement: Language Server for MicroProfile and the Tools for MicroProfile VS Code extension

By Helidon, LSP4MP, MicroProfile Community, Open Liberty, Quarkus No Comments

We are happy to announce the first release of the Language Server for MicroProfile (LSP4MP) and the Tools for MicroProfile VS Code extension.  LSP4MP is a language server that provides core language support for MicroProfile, including code complete, diagnostics, snippets and more. Tools for MicroProfile leverages LSP4MP to provide a…

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Keeping Brazil’s Medical Industry Safe with MicroProfile & Jakarta EE – Jakarta Tech Talks

By Apache TomEE, Jakarta EE, Java EE, MicroProfile Architecture, Microservices, Video Sessions No Comments

At Oracle Code One 2019  Rafael Guimares, Otavio Santana, and I presented this 45 minutes session for the first time. We provided a case of cloud migration and modernization of a widely use monolithic system with the help of MicroProfile, Jakarta EE, TomEEand Tribestream API Gateway in the Brazilian medical Industry that involved several challenges such as the fifth-largest…

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Eclipse MicroProfile Course Bundle

e-Book Update: The MicroProfile Course Bundle Now Supports Release 3.3

By CDI, ebook, Jakarta EE, Java EE, MicroProfile Config JSR, MicroProfile Fault Tolerance, MicroProfile Health Check, MicroProfile JWT Authentication, MicroProfile Metrics, MicroProfile Open Tracing API, MicroProfile Rest Client No Comments
The Eclipse MicroProfile Course Bundle contains the most comprehensive e-book and video course to start learning Eclipse MicroProfile. It covers all twelve Eclipse MicroProfile specifications with hands-on examples and is constantly updated with each new MicroProfile release. Not only does it help MicroProfile newcomers, but it also helps seasoned Java...
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MicroProfile GraphQL 1.0 released

By GraphQL, Releases No Comments

Today we released the first version of the new MicroProfile GraphQL specification that will reside outside of the MicroProfile Umbrella specification. The intent of the MicroProfile GraphQL specification is to provide a “code-first” set of APIs that will enable users to quickly develop portable GraphQL-based applications in Java. There are…

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Announcing the IntelliJ Plugin for MicroProfile Starter

By MicroProfile Community, MicroProfile Starter, Microservices, Releases No Comments

Today, the MicroProfile community would like to announce the availability of the IntelliJ plugin for MicroProfile Starter. In order to install the plugin, you need to have the IntelliJ installed, then go to File > Settings > Plugins and search for “MicroProfile Starter” and click on the “Install” button. As…

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Eclipse MicroProfile 3.2 is Now Available

By MicroProfile Community No Comments

Eclipse MicroProfile 3.2 is Now Available Eclipse MicroProfile, an open forum to collaborate on enterprise Java microservices, would like to announce the release of Eclipse MicroProfile 3.2. Following MicroProfile’s adoption of semantic versioning, Eclipse MicroProfile 3.2, reverts an inadvertent backward incompatible change introduced in Metrics 2.1 as part of MicroProfile…

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Tutorials on each Eclipse MicroProfile Specification

By CDI, Documentation, MicroProfile Concurrency, MicroProfile Config JSR, MicroProfile Fault Tolerance, MicroProfile Health Check, MicroProfile JWT Authentication, MicroProfile Metrics, MicroProfile Open Tracing API, MicroProfile Rest Client, Tutorial No Comments

To help newcomers or Java EE developers to start with Eclipse MicroProfile, I’ve created a tutorial for each specification. These tutorials cover all twelve specs and discuss each in detail with code-examples. Furthermore, there is a YouTube video for each spec available to see it in-action. The whole source code…

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Announcing Visual Studio Code Extension for MicroProfile Starter

By MicroProfile Community, MicroProfile Starter No Comments

The MicroProfile community would like to announce the availability of a Visual Studio Code extension for MicroProfile Starter.  Version 0.1 of the VS Code extension for Eclipse MicroProfile Starter is now available in Visual Studio Code’s Marketplace for developers to download and use. MicroProfile Starter generates for developers Maven projects…

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MicroProfile Reactive Messaging 1.0 is now available

By MicroProfile Community, MicroProfile Reactive, Releases No Comments

MicroProfile Reactive Messaging 1.0 is now available as a standalone release, i.e. outside the MicroProfile umbrella/platform release. MicroProfile Reactive Messaging delivers a development model to build event-driven microservices and data streaming applications. A long-time has passed since the initial discussions about reactive in MicroProfile. In February, we released Reactive Streams…

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MicroProfile Context Propagation 1.0 is Now Available

By MicroProfile Community No Comments

MicroProfile Context Propagation 1.0 is now available as a standalone release, i.e. outside the MicroProfile umbrella/platform release. MicroProfile Context Propagation enables CompletionStages and CompletableFutures, such as those returned by MicroProfile Fault Tolerance @Asynchronous, to reliably run with predictable thread context, and guards against unintentional donation of context from threads that…

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Microprofile CustomConfigSource with Database

By CDI, EJB, MicroProfile Config JSR, Tutorial No Comments

With the Microprofile-Config API there is a new and easy way to deal with configuration properties in an application. The Microprofile-Config API allows you to access config and property values form different sources like: System.getProperties() (ordinal=400) System.getenv() (ordinal=300) all META-INF/ files Developers can find a good introduction into the Microprofile…

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Database Enabled Microservices with Tomee and MicroProfile

By Apache TomEE, MicroProfile Starter No Comments Creating database enabled Microservices with Tomee and MicroProfile is a fairly straightforward task. In this five (5) minutes article, I’m going to highlight the key points you, as a developer out to consider. Disclosure, we’ll be looking at code, however this isn’t a step-by-step tutorial.

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End-to-End Example App Running MicroProfile on Kubernetes and Istio

By Example, Istio, Kubernetes, MicroProfile Istio, MicroProfile Starter, Open Liberty No Comments

There are many good examples that demonstrate specific MicroProfile functionality and there are also good examples that showcase Istio functionality, especially the BookInfo application. Since I couldn’t find a comprehensive application that utilizes MicroProfile and Istio, my colleague Harald Uebele and I have built one.

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Quarkus MicroProfile Cheat Sheet

By MicroProfile Community, Quarkus No Comments

This stackoverflow question on MicroProfile support in Quarkus pointed out the need for a one-pager cheat-sheet on Quarkus MicroProfile support. MicroProfile is a collection of specifications. SmallRye is a project that implements MicroProfile specifications. Generally speaking, there is a SmallRye GitHub repo in support of each specification. Quarkus implements MicroProfile specifications…

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Build your MicroProfile Apps Quickly with Boost

By Apache Maven, Boost, Gradle, MicroProfile Community No Comments

The Boost Vision The Open Liberty team would like to share some Maven/Gradle function with the MicroProfile community, which we’ve been prototyping as the “Boost” plugin. The “Boost” approach abstracts away from the end-user developer the details of installing and configuring an individual MicroProfile implementation with the deployed project application,…

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How to Use MicroProfile and JDK Features to Scale Your Apps in the Cloud

By JDK, Microservices, Tutorial No Comments Managing a potentially unlimited number of autonomous, loosely coupled and frequently updated microservices on top of a flexible cloud infrastructure, creates new challenges for developers. This article outlines features of recent JDK and MicroProfile updates for reliably deploying and scaling cloud applications while continuously integrating network and service updates….

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MicroProfile, el éxito de microservicios depende de la cultura de tu Empresa

By Español, MicroProfile Community No Comments

Muchas organizaciones que se encuentran en transición o transformación digital, entienden las ventajas de microservicios, por tanto están tomando muy en serio el hecho de poder dividir o complementar los monolitos existentes con microservicios. Una de las primeras opciones que toman es el separar los diferentes modelos de dominio de…

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Next-generation Kubernetes Native Java Framework implements Eclipse MicroProfile

By Microservices, Quarkus No Comments

Today Quarkus was introduced to the open source community. Per its announcement, “Quarkus is a Kubernetes Native Java framework tailored for GraalVM and HotSpot, crafted from best-of-breed Java libraries and standards.” Quarkus is designed to provide a great experience for developing and running Java on containers, Kubernetes, and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS)…

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Eclipse MicroProfile Starter (Beta) Available

By MicroProfile Community, Microservices No Comments

Get your projects started quickly.   Starting today, MicroProfile Starter (Beta) is available. MicroProfile Starter is a new resource for developers to learn how to get started with MicroProfile. MicroProfile Starter helps developers kickstart their microservices development journey, choosing the runtime they’re most comfortable with from the list of available…

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Video Monitoring Resiliency Behavior With Fault Tolerance 1.1.

By Grafana, MicroProfile Fault Tolerance, MicroProfile Metrics, Prometheus, Video Tutorial No Comments

Monitoring Resiliency Behavior With MicroProfile I’ve recorded a 4 minutes video that shows how to get technical metrics of resiliency mechanism without effort with MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 1.1. Now, Fault Tolerance includes metrics that by default are emitted via the metrics endpoints. Video also shows how you can use and…

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7 Minutes Interview on the Differences Between Java EE, Jakarta EE, and MicroProfile

By Jakarta EE, Java EE, MicroProfile Community, Microservices, Video Sessions No Comments

Difference between Java EE, Jakarta EE & MicroProfile At Devoxx BE 2018, I was interviewed by Yolande Poirier on what’s the difference between Java EE, now Jakarta EE, and Eclipse MicroProfile. During the 7 minutes conversation, we also discussed what enterprise projects could build their enterprise applications on.  You can…

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Distributed Tracing With Java EE, Istio & MicroProfile

By Jakarta EE, MicroProfile Open Tracing API, Open Liberty, Video Tutorial, WebSphere Liberty No Comments

Distributed Tracing With Java EE, Istio & MicroProfile I’ve recorded a 17 minutes video that shows how to add distributed tracing to Java EE applications that run in an Istio cluster. The HTTP headers that correlate the tracing information can be added to the JAX-RS resources and clients via MicroProfile OpenTracing….

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Virtual Eclipse Meeting on MicroProfile+Istio recording available

By MicroProfile Community, MicroProfile Istio, Microservices, Open Liberty, Thorntail, Video Sessions No Comments

Emily and I gave a webinar yesterday about MicroProfile and Istio. The recording is available at Links from the session: Eclipse newsletter about the same subject: Blog post from me about work in the MicroProfile ServiceMesh working group Code sample to demonstrate cloud-native microservices: Main repo:…

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