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ebook: Building an API Backend with MicroProfile Background on e-book project and its value,  a few weeks ago, after requesting open feedback from the MicroProfile Community and participating in the Community hangout  dated 2/19/19, I was a part of the ebook’s Q&A.   Excited, I started working on a MicroProfile ebook called Building an API Backend with MicroProfile. The ebook…

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MicroProfile 2.2 BOM import support

MicroProfile 2.2 BOM import support MicroProfile 2.2 just has been released with updates to the Fault Tolerance, Open Tracing, Open API, and Rest Client APIs. What’s also supported since version 2.2 is the usage of BOM (bill of material) dependency imports. I’ve published a short blog post on how to…

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Video Monitoring Resiliency Behavior With Fault Tolerance 1.1.

Monitoring Resiliency Behavior With MicroProfile I’ve recorded a 4 minutes video that shows how to get technical metrics of resiliency mechanism without effort with MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 1.1. Now, Fault Tolerance includes metrics that by default are emitted via the metrics endpoints. Video also shows how you can use and…

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7 Minutes Interview on the Differences Between Java EE, Jakarta EE, and MicroProfile

Difference between Java EE, Jakarta EE & MicroProfile At Devoxx BE 2018, I was interviewed by Yolande Poirier on what’s the difference between Java EE, now Jakarta EE, and Eclipse MicroProfile. During the 7 minutes conversation, we also discussed what enterprise projects could build their enterprise applications on.  You can…

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