Esta serie de videotutoriales ha sido preparada para que el desarrollador con conocimientos básicos de Java pueda adentrarse en la creación de microservicios con MicroProfile. Los vídeos han sido creados como capítulos independientes, por lo que pueden analizarse de forma individual y los ejercicios se ejecutan de principio a fin…
Do you really need a sledgehammer to crack a nut? Seeing the number of aspects that need to be covered to achieve the end goal, this blog post is divided into 2 parts. This first part explains the need, possible solution, introduction to MicroProfile, project set-up and implementation of…
The latest release of MicroProfile 4.0 aligns with Jakarta EE 8. There are many new and exciting features introduced in MicroProfile 4.0. In this blog, we’ll take a look at all of the MicroProfile 4.0 updated features and then show you how to use them in Open Liberty. What’s New…

To help newcomers or Java EE developers to start with Eclipse MicroProfile, I’ve created a tutorial for each specification. These tutorials cover all twelve specs and discuss each in detail with code-examples. Furthermore, there is a YouTube video for each spec available to see it in-action. The whole source code…
Introduction: Observability with Microprofile Observibility is the capacity of a system to expose precise information about its states in an easier and faster way. The Microprofile project has 3 specs that do that: OpenTracing, Metrics and HealthCheck. This blog will explain how.
Distributed Tracing With Java EE, Istio & MicroProfile I’ve recorded a 17 minutes video that shows how to add distributed tracing to Java EE applications that run in an Istio cluster. The HTTP headers that correlate the tracing information can be added to the JAX-RS resources and clients via MicroProfile OpenTracing….
https://kodnito.com/posts/documenting-rest-api-using-microprofile-openapi-swagger-ui-payara-micro/ In this tutorial, I will show you how to generate API documentation using MicroProfile OpenAPI and Payara Micro runtime. Learn more about MicroProfile OpenAPI Specification.
One of the new features in Payara Platform version 5.182 is full compatibility with MicroProfile 1.3. In this blog post, I will introduce OpenAPI 1.0, a new API in MicroProfile 1.3. This functionality is available in both Payara Server and Payara Micro in version 5.182. It’s also available in version for…
OpenAPI is a specification that standardises how developers describe REST APIs so that it is easy to generate API documentation from the APIs themselves. You can now generate this documentation from your microservice REST APIs using MicroProfile OpenAPI and Open Liberty with the mpOpenAPI-1.0 feature. This is the implementation of the MicroProfile…
On June 13, 2017, SmartBear joined the Eclipse MicroProfile project, an open source community specification for Enterprise Java microservices. As someone interested in microservices, why is this news important?