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We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new repository on GitHub: The MicroProfile Tutorial Content Repository

MicroProfile is an open-source community specification that aims to optimize Enterprise Java for microservices architecture.

The MicroProfile Tutorial Project aims to provide the developer community with comprehensive, accessible, and up-to-date resources for learning MicroProfile.

Getting Involved

Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting your programming journey with MicroProfile, it will get much more accessible. You are most welcome to engage in the MicroProfile Tutorial initiative in the following ways:

  • Feedback: Utilize the repository’s issues section to provide feedback, suggestions, and questions.
  • Join the conversation: We’ve set up a gitter chat room dedicated to the MicroProfile Tutorial Content Repository. This chat room will serve as a real-time hub for discussion, collaboration, and support related to MicroProfile.
  • Spread the Word: Help us grow the community by sharing this announcement on your social media.

We look forward to seeing your contributions and feedback.

Special thanks to Emily Jiang, John Clingan, and all the “Microprofilers” who contributed their time, expertise, and passion to this project.

#MicroProfile #OpenSource #Java #Microservices #EnterpriseJava #JavaEE #CloudNative #DeveloperCommunity #LearnToCode #Programming #TechCommunity #MicroProfileTutorial #GitHub #Gitter #JavaDevelopers #EclipseFoundation

Tarun Telang

Author Tarun Telang

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