MicroProfile 7.0 Released! MicroProfile, an Open-Source Community that collaborates on enterprise Java microservices, is pleased to announce the release of MicroProfile 7.0! This is a major release that does include backward incompatible changes. MicroProfile Metrics is now a standalone specification and is no longer a MicroProfile component specification. MicroProfile Telemetry…
Crafting the Official MicroProfile API Tutorial in Collaboration with the MicroProfile Working Group
I am thrilled to share my latest endeavor: Developing the Official MicroProfile API Tutorial in collaboration with the MicroProfile Working Group. As the landscape of cloud-native development evolves, equipping developers with the knowledge and skills to navigate these changes is essential. Accordingly, I am working on this Official MicroProfile API…

MicroProfile, an Open-Source Community that collaborates on enterprise Java microservices, is pleased to announce the release of MicroProfile 6.1! MicroProfile 6.1 adopts Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile. Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile defines a base profile to deliver the components used by MicroProfile as a single, complete package. In this…

Состоялся релиз MicroProfile 6.0, который поддерживает Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile! MicroProfile, сообщество с открытым исходным кодом, сотрудничающее в области корпоративных Java-микросервисов, с радостью объявляет о релизе MicroProfile 6.0! MicroProfile 6.0 использует профиль Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile. Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile определяет базовый профиль для предоставления компонентов, используемых…

MicroProfile 6.0 wird veröffentlicht und übernimmt das Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile! MicroProfile, eine Open-Source-Community, die gemeinsam an Enterprise Java Microservices arbeitet, freut sich, die Veröffentlichung von MicroProfile 6.0 bekannt zu geben! MicroProfile 6.0 übernimmt das Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile. Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile definiert ein Basisprofil, um…

MicroProfile 6.0 リリースとJakarta EE 10 Core Profileへの対応 企業向けJavaマイクロサービスのコラボレーションの場であるオープンソースコミュニティMicroProfileは、 MicroProfile 6.0 をリリースします! MicroProfile 6.0はJakarta EE 10 Core Profileに対応します。 Jakarta EE 10 Core Profileは、依存のない単独のパッケージとして、MicroProfileで利用されるコンポーネントが含まれるベースとなるプロファイルです。本リリースでは、 MicroProfile OpenAPI と JWT Authentication はマイナーアップデートします。また、MicroProfile Metricsはメジャーアップデートし、いくつかの非互換が生じます。さらに、 MicroProfile Telemetryがこのリリースに追加され、MicroProfile OpenTracingを置き換えます。MicroProfile OpenTracingはMicroProfile 6.0には含まれず、スタンドアロンの仕様となります。 MicroProfile 6 互換製品として必須の仕様: MicroProfile Config 3.0 MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 4.0 MicroProfile Health 4.0 MicroProfile JWT Authentication 2.1 MicroProfile…

Publicación original 10 de enero de 2023 aquí MicroProfile, una comunidad de código abierto que colabora en microservicios Java empresariales, se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de MicroProfile 6.0! MicroProfile 6.0 adopta Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile. Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile define un perfil base para entregar los componentes…

MicroProfile 6.0 Release with Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile adoption MicroProfile, an Open-Source Community that collaborates on enterprise Java microservices, is pleased to announce the release of MicroProfile 6.0! MicroProfile 6.0 adopts Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile. Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile defines a base profile to deliver the components…
Community Day at EclipseCon 2022 was held in person on Monday, October 24 in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Community Day has always been a great event for Eclipse working groups and project teams, including Jakarta EE/MicroProfile. This year was no exception. A number of great sessions were delivered from prominent folks in…
Versión de lanzamiento publicada el 7 de diciembre de 2021 MicroProfile, una comunidad de código abierto que colabora en microservicios de Java empresariales, se place en anunciar el lanzamiento de MicroProfile 5.0. MicroProfile 5.0 permite utilizar las API de MicroProfile junto con Jakarta EE 9.1 (espacio de nombres de Jakarta…

MicroProfile, an Open-Source Community that collaborates on enterprise Java microservices, would like to announce the release of MicroProfile 5.0. MicroProfile 5.0 enables MicroProfile APIs to be used together with Jakarta EE 9.1 (Jakarta EE namespace). This release was mainly focused on updating dependencies from javax to jakarta, as well as…
MicroProfile, an Open-Source Community that collaborates on enterprise Java microservices, would like to announce the release of MicroProfile 4.1. MicroProfile 4.1 is the 2nd version released by the recently-formed MicroProfile Working Group. This is the first release defining the compatible implementation requirements, as follows. [Required] Passing the 8 MicroProfile Specification…
MicroProfile, an Open-Source Community that collaborates on enterprise Java microservices, would like to announce the release of MicroProfile 4.0. MicroProfile 4.0 is the first version released by the recently-formed MicroProfile Working Group within the Eclipse Foundation. This important milestone demonstrates the commitment of the MicroProfile community and the Eclipse Foundation…
Updated: August 3rd, 2020 by the Editor Since its inception in June 2016 and the release of 1.0, the MicroProfile platform has come a long way. MicroProfile 4.0 release was scheduled to be released in June 2020, however the release is on hold. The Eclipse Foundation Management has ordered this community…
Today we released the first version of the new MicroProfile GraphQL specification that will reside outside of the MicroProfile Umbrella specification. The intent of the MicroProfile GraphQL specification is to provide a “code-first” set of APIs that will enable users to quickly develop portable GraphQL-based applications in Java. There are…
Today, the MicroProfile community would like to announce the availability of the IntelliJ plugin for MicroProfile Starter. In order to install the plugin, you need to have the IntelliJ installed, then go to File > Settings > Plugins and search for “MicroProfile Starter” and click on the “Install” button. As…
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging 1.0 is now available as a standalone release, i.e. outside the MicroProfile umbrella/platform release. MicroProfile Reactive Messaging delivers a development model to build event-driven microservices and data streaming applications. A long-time has passed since the initial discussions about reactive in MicroProfile. In February, we released Reactive Streams…
Eclipse MicroProfile 3.0 is Now Available Eclipse MicroProfile, an open forum to collaborate on enterprise Java microservices, would like to announce the release of Eclipse MicroProfile 3.0. Eclipse MicroProfile 3.0, which builds on the 2.2 version, updates the Rest Client, Metrics, and Health Check APIs, the last two introducing breaking…
MicroProfile 2.2 BOM import support MicroProfile 2.2 just has been released with updates to the Fault Tolerance, Open Tracing, Open API, and Rest Client APIs. What’s also supported since version 2.2 is the usage of BOM (bill of material) dependency imports. I’ve published a short blog post on how to…
The MicroProfile Contributors would like to announce the release of Eclipse MicroProfile 2.2. Eclipse MicroProfile 2.2, which builds on the 2.1 version, updates the Fault Tolerance, Open Tracing, Open API, and Rest Client APIs. Like its previous version, MicroProfile 2.2 continues to align itself with Java EE 8 as the…